Living the Dream? Not Quite

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Back at Home/The End

It's sad to say it, however summer is quickly coming to a close and LA is gone. It's hard to describe my emotions as I was heading to the airport. I laughed because I didn't have to deal with LA traffic anymore because I'd be at home, because I'd see my friends again, however I was sad in so many ways. I was sad to leave the mountains, the beach, the city, the crazy situations... Hollywood (believe it or not). It's become quite clear to me that I'm clearly a Hollywood man (despite how much I wish that wasn't true). It'll be damn hard to somehow mold myself into a Doc, when every other moment I can't stop thinking about it. It's really the only thing that gives me butterflies in my stomach, the thing that makes me so excited, and even while this summer was a bit disillusioning (i think if anyone goes to Hollywood and actually works there they will find it disillusioning). So I am going to miss it, even though I'll only be gone nine months. This really was one of the most exciting summers I have had, crazy and spontaneous since its very inception however I wouldn't take it back for the world. Sure there were the bad times, the embarassing moments, the food poisoning, the loneliness, but all in all it was definitaly worth it. I go back to college with new perspective on my future, more courage (once you live all alone, work a real job, and meet real people things in college seem so much more petty), and just a change in how I live. I'm proud of myself for just going with things and ending up in Hollywood.

So here I am back at home, 8 days till I head back to school, back to my fraternity drama, back to the meaningless alcoholism, back to the middle of nowhere, and all the work. But also back to the friends for life, my brothers, the people really care about. So these last few days, as I say goodbye to my hometown for a little while, I watched the sunset and smiled, thinking of how ridiculous this summer really was.

Fade In: Semi-Charmed Life
Roll Credits


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