Living the Dream? Not Quite

Monday, July 17, 2006

We've got some catching up to do...

First, I'd like to introduce you all to myself, there aren't going to be names here, just a little look into my life as an intern in one very special city:
Currently: I'm a junior at a prestigious university in the midwest. I'm going to keep you guessing and say we're top 20. The entertainment industry, is something I've always wanted to break into (like everyone and their mother) and while it is the most superficial, callous, hateable, foolish, irritating, sanity-losing, mind-destroying, industry of all time, it is something that I have a desire to get into more than anything else. As to what aspect of the industry I want to get into, as of yet I am not certain (whether that be acting, directing, or producing) but I was always an arts man. This would be fine and dandy, yet here I throw another problem at you, you wonderful readers that I do not yet have. My ethnicity is not a common one that gets into the industry, in fact it is a very very distinct minority that is just starting up in America (though we have a booming one in our home country) (yes, I know I narrowed it down for you to about... one race, but for those oblivious to the world it will still be a mystery). That would also be fine and dandy, however this is coupled with the fact that my parents basically expect me to become a doctor,
Example 1: everytime i talk to mother dearest it's "Well if you like California so much maybe you can get into UCLA Med School"
Example 2: My dad is going to buy me a Lamborghini once I get out of med school (sounds appealing eh?)

Yet despite all these pressures and incentives it's just not what I want to do, (sad panda). I understand that they want a stable life for me, and that is one thing most people WILL NOT get in this industry, and a stable life is something I want to, however even as I say these words, here I am sitting at an assistant's desk as an intern in the center of Paramount Studios, Hollywood, California. So what do I do? Well I'm going to start by sitting here every day from now on and explaining my life in this blog. I can't guarantee anyone that I'll stay in the industry, follow my dream and not become a doctor, I can't guarantee that even if I do fight my parents and get into the industry I'll go anywhere beyond intern (I feel like my bosses hate me right now), hell I don't even think anyone is going to read this, how's that for a positive attitude? Anyway this is my first summer in Los Angeles, I really want to come back next year to continue an internship, and after I graduate, well we'll see what happens.
More later, for now let's answer some more phones!


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