Living the Dream? Not Quite

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Well I have to take something back...

Earlier I said that once you start working in Hollywood you tend to not get excited about stars, well I now officially have to take that back. Last Wednesday, 6 days ago, I decided to go in for work because I would be skipping on Friday. Now keep in mind that when I made my earlier statement I hadn't actually seen anyone famous, I'd just called a lot of famous people. On that same day, as I was walking into the lot, Nip/Tuck happened to be shooting and they were taking a lunch break. Coming out of the stage I saw ESCOBAR. Hmm... I thought that's pretty cool, but he was a minor character so it didnt' really faze me in the slightest. Then I turn the corner and right in front of me is SEAN MACNAMARA. Damn, I thought to myself, he's kind of a big deal. But the day held so much more.... I went to work and everything was as normal, I took over the phones and my boss' new temporary assistant and you'll never guess who called. It just so happened to be MICHAEL BAY. He was waiting to talk to my boss about one of the movies they were shooting together. That's pretty exciting I thought to myself, however I didn't really get to talk to him, it was more like his assistant, but it was close. I was like... this day is the BOMB, I've talked a lot of famous people, I'm pretty damn cool. Anyway, I ended up going to lunch, just the cafeteria on the lot, and as I was walking back, I saw the king of film. STEVEN SPIELBERG. This was my expression as I passed Mr. Spielberg,
"hmm... he looks familiar."
"OH MY GOD MY PANTS ARE FALLING DOWN" (i forgot my belt that day)
at that point with my lunch in one hand the other hand on my shorts which were falling down and my head down, I somehow navigated myself in between STEVEN spielberg and the woman he was walking with. I look up at the last moment and see a confused and not happy look on his face directed at me... "Fuck" I thought to myself...


So I guess, I get excited about famous people just like every other person.

P.S. I'm bringing Sexyback


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