Living the Dream? Not Quite

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Things I learned living in LA/ Working in Hollywood

There's not much that I need to do to set up this post, I really should be writing more about my background so I can start talking about all the cool things I've done and more importantly my musings, however that will have to wait for another date, I've been waiting to write these for a while:
LA Traffic:
1. You don't know crowds till you come to Los Angeles

2. You don't know traffic till you come to LA

3. People are nice until they step into a car, then they're not really people anymore, they're more animals

4. Everyone and their mother drives a Mercedes (at least). I hardly even notice anything less than a Mercedes.

LA People:
1. Men/ Women you once thought were hot, aren't.

2. Everyone here is looking for a break, but most don't really know what they're doing

3. Every other person you meet will be Mexican (not meant to be offensive... just true).

4. LAers are pretty f-ing liberal, however their talk shows on the radio are incredibly conservative (Marty Savage).

5. If you make eye contact with a Hobo they will ask you for money

6. People are mean to Hobos

7. Hobos are mean to people

8. Every Hobo I've talked to is crazy

9. You won't be homeless unless you're crazy.

10. Everyone loves the beach, but the water is so f-ing cold.

11. The constant sun makes people in LA dumber, but happier.

Scenery in LA

1. The Santa Monica Beach is so crowded you just don't want to go there

2. For quality beaches head to Malibu, but don't expect much

3. A quiet beach on the west coast away from all the people is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful experiences I have ever experieneced.

4. The fact that it's always gorgeous outside makes you want to be outside a lot more.

5. There is no winter in Los Angeles

6. Hiking in Malibu is possibly one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced.

7. Some of the places I went hiking looked like they were from Lord of The Rings.

8. They could have filmed Brokeback Mountain in Malibu

Hollywood/ Celebrity

1. Working in Hollywood behind the scenes kind of takes away some of the glamour and mystery of Hollywood

2. Beverly Hills/ Bel Air/ Malibu are all about the celebrities

3. Every celeb has atleast one place in Los Angeles area

4. Theres somethign called star maps which tells you all the locations of the stars.

5. If you take star maps, all you will see is a bunch of gates because celebrities are rich and they can afford protection from intruders

6. I don't know for sure, but I think Entourage is a pretty good representation of Celebrity life

7. As Celebrities become more rich and famous they degenerate into children who can't do anything for themselves

8. Assistants have the hardest jobs ever and I admire them

9. I believe the horror stories you hear in Hollywood.

10. Hollywood is supposedly gay friendly, but all the execs (aka the people who make the movies) I've interacted with have made atleast one homophobic comment un provoked.

11. It is not professional to act like a screaming school girl on set when you see a celebrity "on the lot" instead you are to calmly pull out your cellphone (all while acting cool) and call anyone in your phone book and calmly tell them that you are currenly X feet from So and so and that you're freaking out on the inside

12. Steven Spielberg is a rather diminutive man.

13. Becoming famous takes a lot of hard work

14. Becoming famous is NOT all chance, through hard work you can make your living in the entertainment industry, but you have to be something special

15 . Trying to get in the industry you will be writing a lot of coverage

16. The lot is cool for the first 2 days you work there, then it's nothing special

17. People in LA don't get excited when you mention you work at a studio, in fact they're thinking "Yea, so does everyone else"

18. People in the midwest think it's a big deal if you work in a studio

19. You really get to learn a lot of stuff working at Studio, you get the bittersweet name of "Hollywood Insider"

20. IMDB is NOT always right (I know i was dissapointed too), in fact most of the times it's probably not right, and it is always late in the posting

21. There are much more reliable methods for getting information that IMDB (studiosystem).

22. Getting into Acting i shard because agencies don't have open auditions

23. Most of the people trying to sell you a way into Hollywood are probably lying.

24. Everyone is trying to break in the industry.

That's all for now, there are many more that I can't think of right now, but I will be sure to update as soon as I can.

Oh PS for more information on the inner workings of Hollywood you should really check out: this guy has been working here far longer than me, and he has some horror storiest to boot. Plus once I leave for the summer, he'll still be here working his ass off.


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