Living the Dream? Not Quite

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Girlfriends, Tennis, and life in general.

I broke up with my girlfriend the other day... It wasn't sad, it was going to happen. She was in another country, there are too many attractive LA girls, and she was probably cheating on me anyway. We weren't serious, so we'll still be friends. The thing is, she's a bacardi girl and one of those girls that dances on bars at clubs. I mean this girl could get laid every night and this summer, she probably was. So it's over, and that's fine, in fact, I hadn't even talked to her in 3 weeks. Enough about that.

More exciting today I went to the Countrywide Classic. I'd have to say it was pretty damn exciting. Today, you could bring in a children's book and they'd give you a free ticket. "That's awesome!" I said to myself. So I went to the UCLA bookstore and bought a Curious George book. Within minutes I was inside. I walked in halfway through the first match which was Gonzalez vs. Safin. It was entertaining, Gonzalez won... However at that point, it was insanely hot, and my thirst was insatiable. So I decided to go back to my apartment and chill for a little bit. I literally passed out as soon as I got there and was quite rudely awakened by my tool of a roomate turning on the television (more about him later). Anyway I ended up making it back for the main match of the afternoon. Andy Roddick vs. Rik de Voest. This was the match I had been waiting for, and frankly it was awesome. Roddick won (of course) but the poor South Africian bastard really put up a fight. He was even winning in the beginning, but I could tell he was tiring out (As it was like 150 degrees in LA today). Roddick, of course, looked like he didn't even feel the heat, honestly that man has so much endurance he could run a marathon without breaking a sweat. Anyway, I returned to my room and this is what started to piss me off.
I returned to my room and once again was auditoraly affronted by the TV. My roomate was watching some obscene movie of which I wanted to take no part of. I was furious, I talked to my parents and they asked the same question you must be asking right now, "Why are you so mad?" Well let me tell you .
My roomate watches TV for 12 hours a day. No joke, no fucking joke. The first few days I moved in, he seemed cool, I thought the TV watching thing was a phase, however it wasn't, it really wasn't. He would get home from class at 1 ish (at the latest) and the TV would be on from 1pm to 1am. EVERY FUCKING DAY. It's so infuriating because I have to listen to this bullshit CONSTANTLY. I just want to hit him, point out that it's the middle of a California summer, he should get off his FAT ASS and go outside and live his own fucking life. I mean what kind of pitiful person has to sit in front of the television for so many hours. I really can't handle it. I just keep telling myself, "10 more days, 10 more days." On the other hand, I really don't want to leave California, I mean I love this state, I love the beaches, I love the mountains, I love the industry, I guess I really am as "Bright eyed and Bushy tailed" as I was made out to be.

So here's to 13 more fucking awesome days in Cali, here's to partying it up and having a damn good time.

PS: I'll get pictures up, however I foolishly forgot the USB cord at home to transfer pictures from the camera.


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